Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D. in Design | Dissertation: Exploring the Integration of Sustainability and Green Building Themes within Formal Architectural Education
College of Design, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC - M.S. in Human-Environment Relations | Thesis: Education, Environmental Attitudes and the Design Professions: A Masters Thesis
Department of Design and Environmental Analysis
College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - Bachelors of Architecture, Professional Degree
College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
- PhD in Design Program – Research Methods (NCSU, DDN 701; Sp 2015- present)
- PhD in Design Program – Research Paradigms (NCSU, DDN 702; Fall 2015-present)
- Towards Sustainability: Living Buildings & WELLness (NCSU, ARC 590-001; Spring 2016 – present)
- LEED Laboratory [Existing Building Exploration] (NCSU, ARC 590-012; Fall 2014-present)
- Sustainable Architecture (NCSU, ARC 520, Graduate level; 2007-present)
- Carbon Neutral Solar Decathlon Studio (NCSU, ARC 503, Co-instructor; Sp 2008)
- Intro. to Sustainable Furnishings, Materials & Finishes (Cornell, DEA 303; 2005)
- Design Studio VII (Cornell, DEA 407; 2005)
- Ecological Literacy and Design (Cornell, DEA 422; 2004)
- Restaurant Design Charrette (Cornell, DEA 423; 2005)
- Environments and Health (Cornell, DEA 661; 2004)
- NCSU Sustainability Director Search Committee (2018)
- NCSU Sustainability Strategic Plan, Academics Working Group (2016-present)
- NCSU Campus Environmental Sustainability Team (CEST) (disbanded 2015) (2013-2015)
- NCSU Energy Council (2013-2015)
- NCSU EcoVillage Operating Council (2014-present)
- NCSU Academic Sustainability Leaders Committee (disbanded 2016) (2014-2016)
- NCSU College of Design Annual Urban Design Conference Planning Committee (2009-2013)
- Grey, C. G. & T. Rider. (2018, June) Research-Through-Design as an emerging theoretical perspective: Exploring a design based research paradigm through its ontology, epistemology, and methodology. Design Research Society 2018: Catalyst. Limmerick, Ireland. Presentation and paper.
- Taheri Pouresfahani, H., S. Cho & T. Rider. (2018, June) Designing Intelligent Buildings through Systems Thinking Lens for Improving Human Comfort Level. 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference: Action for a Sustainable World: From Theory to Practice. Messina, Italy. Presentation1and paper.
- Park, J. & T. Rider. (2018, May) Conceptualizing a Health Insurance Incentive Program through the Built Environment. 2018 ARCC-EAAE Conference. Architectural Research for a Global Community: The Built Environment Shaping the Quality of Life, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. 16-19 May. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T. (2018, May) Enriching Design Education on Health and Sustainability: Two Case Studies of Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 2018 ARCC-EAAE Conference. Architectural Research for a Global Community: The Built Environment Shaping the Quality of Life, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. 16-19 May. Accepted, not presented.
- Park, J. & T. Rider. (2018, March) Evaluation Criteria for Living Spaces in Architectural Design. The 12th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices: No Boundaries Design. Barcelona, Spain.
- Park, J., Kim, D., & T. Rider. (2018, March) Personal Brand as a Key of Reducing a Gap between Expected and Actual Results in Design Practice: A Pilot Study Based on a Hospital Design. The 12th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices: No Boundaries Design. Barcelona, Spain.
- Rider, T. (2017, November) Using frameworks to cross interdisciplinary boundaries: Addressing wellness. 2017 International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) Conference: Re: Research. Cincinnati, OH.
- Park J. & T. Rider. (2017, November) The Senior Living Market from the Research and Developer Fields. Aging & Society: Seventh Interdisciplinary Conference: Social Inequalities, Exclusion and Age-Discrimination. Berkeley, CA.
- Rider, T. (2017, October) Engaging Private Developers in Healthy Community Development. 2017 International Making Cities Livable Conference: Public Places for Community, Democratic Dialogue, Health, & Equity. Santa Fe, NM. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2017, July) A Course Using the WELL Building Standard. 2017 Society of Building Science Educators Annual Retreat: CRAFT: Shaping Buildings, Ecologies, and Cities. Sublimity, OR. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2017, June). Issues of Health in Architectural Education: Engaging Complexity, Interdisciplinary Teamwork, and Established Frameworks. 2017 ARCC Conference. Architecture of Complexity: design, systems, society and environment, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 14-17 June. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T., J. A. Hipp & M. van Bakergem. (2017, June). In Search of Healthy Communities: A Conceptual Framework for Engaging Developers. 2017 ARCC Conference. Architecture of Complexity: design, systems, society and environment, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 14-17 June. Presentation and paper.
- Park, J. & T. Rider. (2017, June). Evolving roles of the university student union: Assessing the need for LEED Operations + Maintenance Certification. 2017 ARCC Conference. Architecture of Complexity: design, systems, society and environment, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 14-17 June. Poster.
- Rider, T. & J. A. Hipp. (2016, September). Exploring Opportunities at the Intersection of Design and Public Health Pedagogies. 2016 ACSA/ASPPH Fall Conference. Building for Health & Well-Being, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI. 22-24 September. Opening Plenary panel.
- Rider, T. (2016, June). A Proposed Method for Meaningful Interdisciplinary Interactions in Architectural Education. EAAE/ARCC Conference Proceedings 2016. European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE)/Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) International Conference: Architectural Research addressing Societal Challenges, Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal. 15-18 June. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T. (2016, March). Breaking Down Myths and Stereotypes: Harnessing and Sharing Architectural Education on Campus. 104th ACSA Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings 2016. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Conference: Shaping new Knowledges, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 17-19 March. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T., Bearon, L. & Neupert, S. (2016, March) Common Content Across Diverse Fields: Delivering Education to Increase Gerontological Literacy. 2016 Aging in America Conference. Washington D.C. Poster.
- Rider, T. (2015, November) Non-Traditional Partnerships in Collaborative Learning: Addressing Myths and Stereotypes. ICERI2015: 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Seville, Spain. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T., Bowen, E., Nelson, K. & Van Mourik, J. (2015, October) Implementing the LEED Lab Program on Your Campus: Exploring Different Contexts. AASHE Annual Conference: Transforming Sustainability Education. Minneapolis, MN. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2015, September) Breaking Down Ivory Towers in Project-Based Collaborative Learning. Third 21st Century Academic Forum Conference. Harvard University. Boston, MA. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2015, June) LEED Lab on Campus: Fostering “Unusual Partnerships”. Society of Building Science Educators Annual Retreat. Highlands, NC. Presentation.
- Rider, T., Armaghani, B., Bowen, E., Spencer, S., & Van Mourik, J. (2015, March) Implementing the LEED Lab Program on Your Campus. Smart and Sustainable Campuses Annual Conference: Honoring Our Past, Charting Our Future. Baltimore, MD. Presentation.
- Rider, T. (2015, February) Environmental Education Strategies for — and Environmental Attitudes of — the Beginning Design Student. 31st National Conference on the Beginning Design Student: Engaging Media: Identifying means | Interrogating methods | Investigating materials. Houston, TX. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2015, March) Exploring Environmental Themes in Design Education through a Review of Environmental Education and Curriculum Theory Literature. Design Principles & Practices. Chicago, IL. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2014, Feb). Exploring Methods for Incorporating Sustainability Themes. ARCC Conference Proceedings 2014. Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) – European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) Conference: Beyond Architecture: New Intersections & Connections, University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Architecture, Honolulu, HI. 12-15 February. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T. (2013, May) A Post-Occupancy Evaluation: Exploring Green Design Strategies in a LEED Silver Early Childhood Education Environment. Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA44Providence. Providence, RI. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. & Pasalar, C. (2011, October) Designing a Community Identity for SW Raleigh through Engaged Scholarship. 12th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Pasalar, C. & Rider, T. (2011, October) Engaging a Local Catholic Community to Conceptualize a Green Campus. 12th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. (Abstract accepted, unable to attend.)
- Rider, T. (2010, October). Student Engagement: Integrating Sustainability Themes in Formal Architecture Programs. Paper presented at National Outreach Scholarship Conference. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Presentation.
- Rider, T. (2010, June). Pedagogical Insight from Contemporary Fields: Engaging Sustainability through Environmental Education and Curriculum Theory. Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) – European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) Conference. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T. (2007, April). Education, environmental attitudes and the design professions. Paper presented at Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Conference: Green Challenges in Research, Practice, and Design Education. University of Oregon. Eugene, OR. Presentation and paper.
- Rider, T. (2007, April). Ethics in Design: What you need to know. Land Grant University Research Ethics (LANGURE) International Workshop: Research Ethics Education: Beyond Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. Presentation.
- Rider, T. (2017/2018). Series on health and wellness in rating systems for AIA [LEEDv4, LBC, WELL, Fitwell], published on the web. Washington, D.C. AIA National.
“Design and Health. How health factors into green building rating systems: LEED v4.” August 7, 2017.
“Design and Health. How health factors into green building rating systems: Living Building Challenge.” September 15, 2017.
“Design and Health. How health factors into green building rating systems: WELL Building Standard.” October 17, 2017.
- *Rider, T., & Bowen, E. (2016). Embracing Non-Traditional Partnerships in Design Education: Breaking Down Myths and Stereotypes. In Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
- *Rider, T. (2014.) “Environmental Discourses and Rhetoric in the Conceptual Space of Architectural Education.” Enquiry 11 (1): 1-7.
- Rider, T., Glass, S., & McNaughton, J. (2011). Understanding green building materials. New York: W.W. Norton.
- Rider, T. (2009). Understanding Green Building Guidelines. New York: W.W. Norton.
- Rider, T. (2008). Assumed Standards: The Creation of Design Culture and Values. Drain Mag: Sustainability Issue: n. pag.
- Rider, T. (2007). Earth Day Challenges: Thought, Action and Influence. n. pag.
- Gould, K. & Hosey, L. (2007). Women in Green. Bainbridge Island, WA: Ecotone Publishing. Interviewed for inclusion in the work.
- (2005). Featured Podcast Interview: Building a Green Career. Worthwhile Magazine.
- $15,550, Sponsored Project, Avery County, North Carolina “Avery County Fair Visioning Plan” Principal Investigator. (2017)
The overarching goal of this research and exploration is to engage Avery County’s citizens, and stakeholders in the creation of a conceptual vision plan to guide development of the current fair site in priorities and planning. The process will emphasize the inclusion of environmentally friendly strategies for the study area, with a focus on establishing a healthy, stable, and engaged community. The concept plan will aim to increase the vitality of Avery County and its surrounding areas through increased opportunities to host events, meetings, and conventions.
- $5,000, Appalachian Energy Summit “LEED Lab Interdisciplinary Course” (2017)
The NCSU School of Architecture’s LEED Lab course will be hosted in partnership with the University Sustainability Office and the University Facilities Division, with hands-on experiences for interdisciplinary students, as well as actionable benefits for operations of NC State’s campus. The overarching goals are to: (1) help NC State’s campus move toward greater efficiency in operations and maintenance; (2) provide generalizable efficiency strategies that can be implemented across the University’s building portfolio and possibly the region; and (3) engage interdisciplinary student teams in meaningful hands-on applications to explore and solve real-world problems. These goals have a dual focus to enrich campus operations while supporting students interested in entering built environment fields with skills, knowledge and expertise to be effective critical thinkers, engaged leaders, and team players.
- $249,180, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “Exploring participation in community health efforts through private multifamily and financial services lenses: Investments, returns, and targeted impacts” Principal Investigator. (2017)
While connections between housing and health have long been recognized, there is a need for empirical evidence to inform private investment decisions within the real estate industry. This case study approach will use qualitative and quantitative data to inform the business case for leaders in multifamily real estate to invest in a culture of health across geographic markets.
- $7,500, UNC University Research Council Junior Faculty Development “Design Thinking in Health Professions Education: Understanding the State of the Field and Opportunities for UNC” Partner. (2016)
The small but growing relationship between the disciplines of healthcare and design provides a timely opportunity to assess the current state of the field and identify opportunities for creating and advancing collaborative partnerships in design and health locally, nationally, and globally. Specifically, this proposal addresses aims that will serve as the foundation for conceptual interdisciplinary explorations between design and health professions education by reviewing established partnerships and crafting a design thinking model applicable to pharmacy education.
- $10,000, Dominion Foundation “Building Energy Toolkits Aiding STEM Education in Northeastern North Carolina” Principal Investigator. (2014)
The Building Energy Toolkit Program engages rural middle school students under-represented in STEM majors and careers in investigations related to energy use and their building environments. The Building Energy (BE) Toolkit Program delivers building science equipment, concepts, and engineering practices to high poverty middle school classrooms, followed by Science & Engineering Fairs in six middle schools.
- $24,472, NCSU Research Innovation Seed Funding “The NCSU Sustainable Cities Consortium: Addressing Grand Challenges in the Urban Environment” Principal Investigator. (2014)
Capitalizing on NCSU’s present strengths in the College of Design, the College of Natural Resources, the College of Engineering, and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, this Sustainable Cities Consortium allows the scattered expertise and interest at NCSU to become more relevant and powerful, solidifying NCSU’s position as a leader to address the growing emphasis on both opportunities and challenges in urbanized and rapidly urbanizing areas.
- $10,000, NCSU Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant “Establishing an Economic Infrastructure for Eastern North Carolina: Capitalizing on Workforce Training, Research, and Emerging Markets in Lenoir County” Principal Investigator. (2014)
Lenoir County, located approximately half way between the capital city of Raleigh, North Carolina, and the Atlantic Coast, is poised to launch a regional revitalization effort based on the existing, underutilized Kinston Global Transpark facility. This effort has the ultimate goal of job creation for both North Carolina citizens and returning military troops to nearby Fort Bragg. NCSU’s College of Design will collaborate with Lenoir County, surrounding counties, partners and stakeholders to strategically plan to increase capacity for tech training and manufacturing.
- $10,000, NCSU Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant “GrowingChange.Org: Embracing Sustainability and Economic Development through Re-purposing the Decommissioned Sites in Rural Communities” Co-Principal Investigator. (2014)
This project, focused on the re-purposing of a decommissioned prison, addresses several tough challenges that exist in many rural communities of North Carolina, such as an increasing number of youth who fall into the justice system; lack of job opportunities for returning veterans; lack of opportunities for workforce training; limited access to sustainably grown local food; increasing number of underutilized brownfield properties; and an increasing number of health concerns.
- $10,000, NCSU Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant (with $10,000 Community sponsor match) “Placemaking at the Crossroads: Facilitating Economic Development, Community Health and Environmental Stewardship through Design Engagement at I-40 and I-95” Principal Investigator. (2014)
The Town of Benson was interested in capitalizing on the site’s existing buildings and grounds, with the long-term goal of establishing a meaningful place to grow their community in three focus areas: community health, environmental health, and the Benson economy. This project successfully addressed these goals while simultaneously fostering ownership and pride within the community, helping to bolster economic growth.
- $10,000, NCSU Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant “Brock Mill Visioning Plan” Principal Investigator. (2013)
This project addressed an underutilized mill building and associated pond in a small rural town on the path to the North Carolina coast. The goal was to create a vision for the town to increase community engagement, tourism, and economic development.
- $10,000, NCSU Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant “Rejuvenating Rural North Carolina: Establishing a Healthy Community through Farmers Market and Arboretum Planning” Principal Investigator. (2012)
This project highlighted environmental stewardship within a rural community, engaging the local community with workshops, and improving health and well-being of the broader community. Ultimately it developed a local Farmers Market and Arboretum concept plan to serve as a template for similar underutilized sites regionally.
- Rider, T., Hipp, J.A., Joines, S., Queen, S.G., Dunn, R., & McLaughlin, J. Health and Design: Partnerships for Higher Impact in Health Professions. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program. $24,949.
- Rider, T. Pre- and Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Learning Spaces. UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy (Prime – Eshelman Institute for Innovation). $30,016.
- Rajagopalan, N., Kelley, S., Rider, T., Gonzalez, R., & McConnell, T. Cross-Laminated Timber in Commercial Building Construction: Making the Sustainability Case to the Green Building Community. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program. $264,424.
- Rider, T., Hu, J., Bearon, L. & Neupert, S. Transdisciplinary Understanding of Aging and the Physical Environment. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program. $24,859.
- Abrams, F. & Rider, T. Building Smart Cities Through Educational Linkages. US Embassy – New Delhi, India. $119,261.
- Rider, T. & E. Bowen. Southeast LEED Lab Initiative (SELLI). US EPA. $90,964.
- Rider, T. Encouraging Increased Energy Efficiency, Occupant Well-Being, and Student Engagement in North Carolina K-12 Facilities. NCSU Office of Extension & Engagement & Economic Development. $10,000.
- Rider, T., Cho, S., DeCarolis, J., Blanchard, M. & Hoppin, J. K-12 Health and Efficiency: Exploring the Partnerships between STEM, Building Science, Student Engagement, and Occupant Health. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program. $24,963.
- Kalland, S., Tsai, C., Rider, T., Pasalar, C. & Abrams, R. Smart Growth Information Clearinghouse. US EPA. $688,528.
- Rider, T., Neupert, S., Bearon, L. & Hu, J. The NCSU Consortium on Aging: In Support of the Rapidly Aging Population. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program. $24,891.
- McHale, M., Meentemeyer, R., Hess, G., Fearn, M., Venditti, R., Saloni, D., Nichols, E., Moore, S., Hallowell III, G., Litzenberger, T., Smith, J. Rider, T., Delborne, J., Rivers, L., Floyd, M.,Bocarro., J., Edwards, M. & Peterson, N. Sustainability Research Network (SRN) for Democratizing Urbanization: Locally Relevant Solutions to Enhance Global Sustainability. NFS. $11,963,603.
- Pasalar, C., Rider, T. & Abrams, R. Exploring the Environmental Effects on User Health, Well-Being, and Productivity in United States Middle Schools: Comparing LEED Certified Schools with Non-LEED Conventional School Facilities. US EPA $999,410.
- Rider, T. & Seth-Carley, D. Exploring the Path to Healthy School Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach to a Complex Issue. NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program. $18,050.
- Abrams, R. & T. Rider. The North Carolina Catalyst Program: Developing a Model for Assessing the Program’s Ability to Catalyze Communities Towards the Provision of Affordable Housing. US HUD. $124,996.
- Rider, T., Pasalar, C. & Sherk, J. People’s Garden Grant Program. USDA. $131,969.
- Stankus, D. & Rider, T. CATEC: A Vision of Excellence in Building Science Education. NSF. $69,981.
- Rider, T. Human-Environment Systems in the Urban Context: Exploring Community Experiences and Perceptions of Ecological Systems through Built Environments. NSF. $448,828.
- Rider, T. & Pasalar, C. Energy Efficient Strategies,Usability & Comfort in Wendell’s Town Hall. Wendell, NC. $17,375.
- Stankus, D. & Rider, T. RFP: #43: Energy Code Enforcement Training Subcontract to NC Community College System. NC Community College System (Prime – NC Department of Commerce). $95,389.
- AIA-ACSA Design & Health Research Consortium, Fourth cohort, Lead
- USGBC Carolina’s Annual Green Gala’s Sustainable Business Awards, Local Leader Award, Volunteer Leadership
- AIA Subject Matter Expert – Health and Design CEU Online Session
- Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) 2015-2016 New Researcher Award.
- City of Raleigh 2015 Environmental Award, Award in Institutional Innovation. LEED Lab Course.
“The Institutional Innovation Award is given to a government entity that has been innovative in any area of environmental stewardship. This year’s award recipient is NC State’s LEED Labs, a transdisciplinary immersion course that utilizes the built environment to educate and prepare students to become green building leaders and sustainability-focused citizens.”
- ARCC King Student Research Medal.
- North Carolina State University’s Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching.
- NC Triangle Emerging Green Builders Legacy Award.
- North Carolina State University’s Annual Earthwise Faculty Award.
- Land Grant University Research Ethics (LANGURE) Research Ethics Junior Fellowship.
- NC State Alumni Association Fellowship.
- Vanity Fair, featured “Re-inventor”
- Dwell magazine’s featured “Nice Modernist.”
- U.S. Green Building Council’s National Leadership Award – Individual in Education.
- Cincinnati AIA Design Award – Honorable Mention, Senior Show.
- Outstanding Architecture Senior, peer-elected.
- Rider, T. (2018). AIA Collaborative Research Symposuim. Health and Design at NC State. July 2018.
- Rider, T. (2017-2018). AIA online series focusing on the integration of health into various building rating systems. LEED v4, August 2017; Living Building Challenge, Sept 2017; WELL Building System, Oct 2017; Fitwel, Nov 2017; Enterprise, Dec 2017.
- Rider, T. (2017). Environments for Aging: Spaces designed for community and mental health. Instructor: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Raleigh, NC: May 11, 2017.
- Rider, T. (2016). Designing for Healthy Aging. Panelist: Aging and the Environment. Raleigh, NC: November 11, 2016.
- Rider, T. (2015). The Cities Where We Live. Moderator: North Carolina State University Global Issues Seminar. Raleigh, NC: September 15, 2015.
- Rider, T. (2010). Sustainable Building Programs: A Primer on Industry Practice. Presentation: Professional Engineers of North Carolina (PENC). Raleigh, NC: December, 2010.
- Rider, T. (2010). Integrated Design and Post-Occupancy Evaluations in K-12 Design. Council of Educational Facility Planers International, NC Chapter 16th Annual Conference. Boone, NC: June, 2010.
- Rider, T. (2009). Introduction to LEED. North Carolina Low Impact Development Group. Symposium: An Introduction to LEED. Raleigh, NC: July, 2009.
- Rider, T. (2009). Panelist: The State of Green Building in North Carolina. North Carolina Solar Center’s Green Building Diploma Series, GBIII: Design and Implementation Strategies for Commercial Buildings. Raleigh, NC: August, 2009.
- Rider, T. (2009). Keynote: Emerging Green Builders and Career Development. Growing Green in the Triangle. Raleigh, NC: January, 2009.
- Rider, T. (2008, February). Keynote: Assumed Standards within the Construction Industry. E-Week’s Technical Training Day for the Society of American Military Engineers. Savannah, GA.
- Rider, T. (2007, November). Panelist: Women in Green. Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. Chicago, IL.
- Rider, T. (2007, April). Ethics in Design: What you need to know. Land Grant University Research Ethics (LANGURE) International Workshop: Research Ethics Education: Beyond Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.
- Rider, T. (2006, November). Moderator: Emerging Green Builders Forum. Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. Denver, CO.
- Rider, T. (2006, May). Getting Engaged – Students, Young Professionals and the Young at Heart. Sustainable Arkansas. Little Rock, AR.
- Rider, T. (2005, November). Moderator: Emerging Green Builders Forum. Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. Atlanta, GA.
- Rider, T. (2005, November). Convener: The Future of Green Building – Report from the Press. Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. Atlanta, GA.
- Rider, T. (2005, November). Deciding to ‘Go Green’ – Inspiring Yourself and Others. Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Symposium: Doing More with Less, By Design. Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Rider, T. (2005, May). Taking Initiative and Getting Involved. Environmental Science and Forestry Conference. Syracuse, NY.
- Enquiry: A Journal for Architectural Research (2017)
- Sustainability, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, (2016-present)
- Energies, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, (2016)
- 105th ACSA Annual Meeting: Brooklyn says “Move to Detroit.” Health + Design track. (2016)
- Personal Consulting (2016-present)
– Durham County Judicial Annex, Durham County, NC: Sustainability Consultant.
– Pullen Park Arts Center, City of Raleigh, Raleigh, NC: Sustainability Consultant.
– Chavis Community Center, City of Raleigh, Raleigh, NC: Sustainability Consultant.
– LEED Training for NC National Guard
- North Carolina State University’s College of Design. Research Assistant Professor of Architecture, PhD Faculty.
- North Carolina State University’s College of Design. Coordinator, Design Initiative for Sustainability and Health.
- North Carolina State University’s College of Design. Research Associate.
- BridgePoint Construction Services. LEED Consultant.
- North Carolina State University’s North Carolina Solar Center. Commercial Buildings Specialist, Raleigh, NC.
– Hired to survey and develop an educational outreach component to the commercial sector, complementing the Solar Center’s existing residential focus.
– Significantly involved in writing federal and state funding and grant proposals for ARRA funds.- Outreach to and interviews with North Carolina K-12 systems to understand methods of incorporating sustainability methods.
- Trace Collaborative, LLC. Partner and Project Manager. NC.
– Mammoth Cave Renovation (National Parks Service), Mammoth Cave, KY: Sustainability Consultant.
– Guilford County Courthouse Master Plan (National Parks Service), Greensboro, NC: Sustainability Consultant.
– Veranda Resort, Turks and Caicos: Green feasibility studies.
– Port Discover Hands-on Science Center, Elizabeth City, NC: Green strategy and goal setting facilitation.
– Perquimans County Community Development Corporation (PCCDC), Hertford, NC: Green strategy and goal setting facilitation.
– Wake Forest University Welcome Center, Winston-Salem, NC: LEED Consultant.
– Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, GA: Sustainability Program Development.
– University Marketplace Mixed-Use Development, Durham, NC: LEED Consultant.
– North Carolina State University Student Health Center, Raleigh, NC: Sustainability facilitator.
– UNC Asheville Rhoades Hall, Asheville, NC: Sustainability Charrette Facilitator.
– Durham County Criminal Justice Resource Center, Durham, NC: LEED Support.
- North Carolina State University’s College of Design, School of Architecture. Adjunct Faculty.
- Alliance Architecture PC. Intern Architect, Durham, NC.
- Cornell University. Teaching Assistant, Ithaca, NY.
- HOK. Intern Architect, Houston, TX.
- Gensler. Intern Architect, Houston, TX.
- Tucker Sadler & Associates. Intern Architect, San Diego, CA.
- Kohn Pederson Fox Assoc PC. Intern Architect, New York, NY.
- Shriver and Holland Associates. Intern Architect, Norfolk, VA.
- USGBC North Carolina Chapter
- Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE)
- American Institute of Architects, Associate.
- Jinoh Park. PhD in Design. College of Design, NCSU. Exploring the Intersection of Occupant Satisfaction and Investment Satisfaction in Independent Living. Estimated graduation: 2020. Chair.
Emerging Scholar Award, The Health, Wellness & Society: Interdisciplinary Conference, September 2018.
Emerging Scholar Award, The Design Principles & Practices: Interdisciplinary Conference, March 2018.
Emerging Scholar Award, The Aging & Society: Interdisciplinary Conference, November 2017.
- Pegah Mathur. PhD in Design. College of Design, NCSU. Interest area: Design for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. Estimated graduation: 2021. Chair.
- Lesley-Ann M. Noel. PhD in Design. College of Design, NCSU. Teaching and learning design thinking through a critical lens at a primary school in rural Trinidad and Tobago. Estimated graduation: 2018. Committee Co-Chair.
- Yue He. PhD in Design. College of Design, NCSU. Interest area: The interpretation and examination of phenomenological theories in architecture. Estimated graduation: 2019. Committee member.
- Margaret van Bakergem. PhD in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. College of Natural Resources, NCSU. Interest area: Understanding decision-making using qualitative and quantitative analytics surrounding healthy community design at the real estate industry level. Estimated graduation: 2019. Committee member.
- Xi Wang. PhD in Design. College of Design, NCSU. Interest area: Senior housing and sustainable planning and design. Estimated graduation: 2019. Committee member.
- Mohamad Shoaib Samandar. Masters in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, NCSU. Construction Process Sustainability Index (CPSI): An Integrated Assessment Framework. Committee member.
- Shoaib Samandar. Green Construction. “Exploring Sustainability in the Construction Process.”
- Kelsey Liu, Jenna Pye & Amanda Tan. Green schools. “Building as a Teaching Tool: Energy and Environmental Quality in Schools.”
- Echo Dowling. Architecture. Research to Practice USGBC program. “A Green Restaurant Comparison.”
- Belle Farish & William Lavin. Research to Practice USGBC program. “A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the LEED Silver EPA Daycare Facility.”
- ACSA 2018 Designing Healthy Places Student Competition, Juror.
- North Carolina USGBC Chapter, Triangle Branch Leadership Group. Treasurer (2011-2014), Vice-Chair (2015), Education Committee Co-Chair (2016)
- North Carolina State University’s Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching Program, Spring. (2010)
- North Carolina State University’s Graduate Leadership Development Series, Spring. (2010)
- U.S. Green Building Council Southeast Regional Council. (2009)
- AIA- Committee on the Environment, COTE Top Ten Green Projects 2007 Juror – March. (2007)
- “Green Machines” pilot for Sundance Channel. September. Produced by Renegade Pictures: “Green Guru” role. (2006)
- U.S. Green Building Council’s Chapter Steering Committee. (2005)
- U.S. Green Building Council’s National Emerging Green Builders Committee, Co-founder. (2003-2006)